Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dungeon Birds - The Woad Rebels

The Woad Rebels:

Bedwyr, Nimue's & Niall's late father, close friend & advisor to Merlin

'Old Blind' Aled, Woad druid

Fallon, Woad scout, captured and executed by Saxons

Oisín, Woad scout, captured and executed by Saxons

Maire, Woad scout, captured by Saxons

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dungeon Birds - character list - Vanora's & Bors' brood

Our favourite canon couple's numerous offspring, as (re-)named in chapter 15

One, daughter
new name: Terelyn
namesake: Maeve's mother

Two, son
new name: Fingal
namesake: Vanora's father

Three, son
new name: Cabal
namesake: Lancelot's & Iosante's father

Four & Five, twin daughters
new names: Serra & Selia
namesakes: Galahad's twin sisters

Gilly, son
full name: Gilliam

Seven, daughter
new name: Naomi
namesake: Tristan's sister

Eight, daughter
new name: Avaline
namesake: Bors' mother

Nine, son
new name: Rion
namesake: Gawain's brother

Ten, daughter
new name: Theris
namesake: Dagonet's mother

Eleven, son (baby)
new name: Cadfael
namesake: see further characters

Thanks to my awesome beta-reader for helping me to come up with these!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Further characters, Author's Note

Well, this blog was originally started to provide some visualization for my fanfic "The Dungeon Birds" on http://www.fanfiction.net/. Now I decided to post some side notes here as well that will help with understanding. You, dear reader, are very welcome to comment on all posts (or go to ff.net and review the story there).

Dramatis animalae ;)

Llamrei - Arthur's white mare

Ghost - Lancelot's dark stallion

Gringolet - Gawain's grey-white-ish stallion, the name was taken from Malory's 'Morte d'Arthur'

Anahita - Galahad's mare, white with grey legs

Rustam - Tristan's stallion, dapple grey

Tengri - Bors' horse, black

Barastyr - Dagonet's stallion, black

Andraste - Nimue's mare, grey